You CAN be too careful

At the boys' pediatrician, a picture hung on the wall of a baby wearing several coats. It said, "You can't be too careful!" and advised something about safety, probably shots. We all agreed, that graphic did not serve its purpose. Baby had way too many layers on and could have overheated. It was troubling and distracting, which detracted from the point being attempted. At every appointment, one of us invariably objected, "But you CAN be too careful!"

Well...perhaps that should be my 2020 motto. When being too careful becomes harmful, that's a problem. When "better safe than sorry!" means overreacting to every perceived threat, it's gone too far. When germophobia becomes full-blown OCD, it's time to seek help. 

That's exactly where I am. The details may be mortifying for me to admit, but I am going to TRY to write more about my anxiety because that’s the dominant feature of my life at the moment. It seems disingenuous to blog about gardening or dogs or soup. And yes, I am talking to someone. I am doing all the things you do. This developed over time and will not change overnight. I am actively working to turn it around, but I don't know long that will take. So if I have the guts to admit it, I will be posting about what is going on inside my head. (Yikes!) 


You've been warned!


  1. So proud of you for “going public”, sister. I love you!

    1. Thanks. It might be hard to go into detail, but I'm going to try!

  2. I’m so proud of your for recognizing it, dealing with it, and for going public. I love you!!


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