Just an update

Photo credit Michael Bupp, Carlisle Sentinel I'm way behind in updating my blog. Just about the time I recommitted to updating regularly and talking about my anxiety journey, things got really busy around here! Busy in a good way, I'm glad to say. I got more editing work, and my husband's new book was released. So there's no time for blogging. I'm going to try a quick update here, without rereading and editing this to death as I'm prone to do. I've been using dictation software and voice commands to increase my productivity. Right now I'm speaking this using Windows 10 dictation. I've also played around with the Google Docs voice tool and various voice commands on my phone and in my car. I do go back and fix punctuation and other details, but this is much faster than typing. I'm an OK typist, maybe 35 words per minute? Speaking is faster and easier, though. So, perhaps the increased productivity I get from dictating will free up time to ...