I’m typing this with a plastic glove on my hand. It’s not going great. I tried cotton gloves, but they don’t work with the trackpad. I wear those cotton gloves overnight after applying A&D Ointment in hopes that my dry and damaged skin will bounce back somewhat while I’m asleep. But last night I got cute and tried shea butter. It’s natural , I thought. It’ll work even better! Nope. My skin was drier this morning than if I had used Jergens. It’s going to be a long day. I said I was going to write about my anxiety and OCD, but I haven’t yet. I’d love to say I don’t have the time, but the truth is, it’s mental and emotional energy that I’m lacking. Plus, it’s embarrassing. But I still want to. Not sure where to start, so for now, I’ll briefly explain my “brand” of these conditions. Because they do come in different flavors. I have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). My version looks like this: Catastr...