What Is He?
When people see our dog Opie (left), they notice his two different colored eyes first. Then they say, “What IS he?”—a mystery we have been trying to unravel since we “rescued” him from a kill shelter in South Carolina in January 2015. In the only photo we had seen, he appeared to be a German shepherd mix, which is exactly what we wanted. He looked young; the rescue organization thought three or four months old. Also exactly what we wanted! Perfect! We started the process to get him brought up to Vermont from South Carolina, which was surprisingly rigorous, with references and home visits. Finally a group of dogs was set to be transported up from SC. All of us adopters received a message telling us to show up at 4:30 the next afternoon at the Kmart that was about to go out of business. Standing around that empty parking lot waiting for a van to arrive from another state with our dogs felt super sketchy. We stood around making black market jokes. I had been tasked with gett...